- Saving Cheetah with Innovative Technology (National Geographic)
- Elephant Contraception — “A Pill for Elephants” (1 Das Erste — German)
- Putting Elephants on the Pill (eNCA)
- Understanding Elephants — JJ van Altena: Nose to Trunk (eNCA)
- Elephant Immunocontraceptive Report (Humane Society International)
- KZN Park’s Elephants to be vaccinated against pregnancy (News24)
- KZN received Elephant contraceptive (News24)
- Elephants start contraceptive at South Africa’s oldest reserve (Bloomberg)
- Rangers for Rhinos (Expresso SABC)
- Park Rangers go naked to protect Rhinos
- Elephants of Makalali (Universcience TV — French)
- In South Africa, Where Elephants Are Fenced In, Choosing Contraception Over Culling
- Up close with cheetahs at Okonjima (Africa Geographic)
- Zinzi: Teetering on the Brink of Success (Dr Laurie Marker, Cheetah Conservation Fund Namibia)
- Huge serval population found around Sasol fuel plant (News24)
- Meet the Incredible Woman Who Is Working to Protect Namibia’s Endangered Cheetahs ( One Green Planet )
- Leopard release, July 2015
- Lion Hysterectomy (Earthtouch News Network)
- The problem of an elephant that just wants to stay home
- Elephant that faces being shot for being a 'nuisance' in South Africa is given hope after campaigners intervene