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Scientific Publications

The following papers will be useful to those who are conducting research in the relevant areas.

  • Grobler, D.G., Van Altena, J.J., Malan, J.H. & Mackey, R.L., 2008, ‘Elephant translocation’, in R.J. Scholes & K.G. Mendell (eds.), Elephant management: A scientific assessment for South Africa, pp. 241–256, Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg
  • Pretorius ME, Seoraj-Pillai N, Pillay N (2019) Landscape correlates of space use in the critically endangered African wild dog Lycaon pictus. PLoS ONE 14(3): e0212621. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0212621
  • Bertschinger, HJ, A Delsink, JJ van Altena and JF Kirkpatrick. (2017) In review. PZp-Immunocontraception of African Elephant Cows: A Review of 22 Years of Research. Bothalia: African Biodiversity & Conservation Biology.
  • Delsink, AK, J Kirkpatrick, JJ van Altena, HJ Bertschinger, S Ferreira and R Slotow. (2013) Lack of Spatial and Behavioural Responses to Immunocontraception Application in African Elephants (Loxodonta Africana). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 44, no. 4S (2013): S52-74.
  • Bertschinger, H., A. Delsink, J. Kirkpatrick, J. van Altena, M. Ahlers, T. Dickerson, D. Powrie, and A. Burger. (2013) Porcine Zona Pellucida Immunocontraception of African elephants (Loxodonta africana): Beyond the experimental stage. In: IVth International Wildlife Management Congress - Cooperative Wildlife Management Across Borders: Learning in the Face of Change. J. Cain(III) and J. Marshal, (eds.). The Wildlife Society, 9 - 12 July 2012. 95-102.
  • Kirkpatrick, J., Delsink, A., van Altena, J., Bertschinger, H. (2012) Fertility control and African elephants: a new paradigm for Management, In Elephants: Ecology, Behavior and Conservation. eds M. Aranovich, O. Dufresne, pp. 77-96. NOVA Publishing, Hauppauge, NY.
  • Bertschinger, H., Delsink, A., van Altena, J., Kirkpatrick, J., Killian, H., Ganswindt, A. & Slotow, R. (2008) Reproductive control of elephants. In: Assessment of South African Elephant Management. (Ed. by Scholes, R. & Mennell, K.), pp. 257-328. Johannesburg: Wits University Press.
  • Delsink AK, van Altena JJ, Grobler D, Bertschinger H, Kirkpatrick J & Slotow R (2007) Regulation of a small, discrete, African elephant population through immunocontraception on the Makalali conservancy. South African Journal of Science. 102: 403-406.
  • Delsink AK, van Altena JJ, Grobler D, Bertschinger H, Kirkpatrick J & Slotow R (2006) Implementing immunocontraception in free-ranging African elephants at Makalali Conservancy. Jl S.Afr.Vet. Ass. (2007) 78(1): 25–30
  • Delsink AK, Grobler D & van Altena JJ (2005) The Makalali Elephant Immunocontraception Program. In: Humane Wildlife Solutions: The Role of Immunocontraception. (Ed: AT Rutberg). Humane Society Press, Washington.
  • Bertschinger HJ, Delsink AK, Kirkpatrick JF, Grobler D, van Altena JJ, Human A, Colenbrander B & Turkstra J (2004) The use of pZP and GnRH vaccines for contraception and control of behaviour in African elephants. In: proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Tropical Animal health and Reproduction: management of Elephant reproduction. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  • Delsink AK, Bertschinger HJ, Kirkpatrick JF, Grobler D, van Altena JJ & Slotow R (2004) The preliminary behavioural and population dynamic response of African elephants to immunocontraception. In: proceedings of the 15thSymposium on Tropical Animal health and Reproduction: management of Elephant reproduction. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Africa Wild. July & August 2004. “Elephant Population Management”. Authors: JJ van Altena & Audrey Delsink.
  • Getaway. August 2004. “Elephant Population Management: Thinking outside the box”. Authors: JJ van Altena & Audrey Delsink.
  • Delsink AK, Bertschinger HJ, Kirkpatrick JF, De Nys H, Grobler D, van Altena JJ & Turkstra J (2003) Contraception of African elephant cows in two private conservancies using porcine zona pellucida vaccine, and the control of aggressive behaviour in elephant bulls with a GnRH vaccine. In: Proceedings on the Control of Wild Elephant Populations. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  • Delsink AK, van Altena JJ, Kirkpatrick JF, Grobler D and Fayrer-Hosken R (2002) Field applications of immunocontraception in African Elephants (Loxodonta africana). Reproduction 60 117-124
  • Fayer-Hosken R.A, Kirkpatrick J.F, Grobler D, van Altena J, Bertschinger H.J. (2001) Conservation of the African Elephant using contraception. Theriogenology
  • Fayer-Hosken R.A, Kirkpatrick J.F, Grobler D, van Altena J, Bertschinger H.J. (2001) Population control: African Elephant and contraception. Nature 411:766
  • Fayer-Hosken R.A, Kirkpatrick J.F, Grobler D, van Altena J, Bertschinger H.J. (2000) Immunocontraception of African Elephant (Loxodonta africana). Nature 407:149
  • The bushmeat trade in African savannas: Impacts, drivers, and possible solutions Lindsey, P.A., Balme, G., Becker, M., Begg, C., Bento, C., Bocchino, C., Dickman, A., Diggle, R.W., Eves, H., Henschel, P., Lewis, D., Marnewick, K., Mattheus, J., Weldon McNutt, J., McRobb, R., Midlane, N., Milanzi, J., Morley, R., Murphree, M., Opyene, V., Phadima, J., Purchase, G., Rentsch, D., Roche, C., Shaw, J., Westhuizen, H.V.D., Vliet, N.V., Zisadza-Gandiwa, P. Biological Conservation volume 160, issue , year 2013, pp. 80 - 96
  • Porcine zona pellucida vaccine immunocontraception of African elephant (Loxodonta africana) cows: A review of 22 years of research
    Hendrik J. Bertschinger, Audrey Delsink, J.J. van Altena, Jay F. Kirkpatrick
    Bothalia | Vol 48, No 2 | a2324 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/abc.v48i2.2324 | © 2018 Hendrik J. Bertschinger, Audrey Delsink, J.J. van Altena, Jay F. Kirkpatrick † | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
    Submitted: 26 October 2017 | Published: 31 July 2018